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Fun, Guided German Listening Practice
If you're looking for listening practice at your level of German, you can now find it in Stube Radio, real German news audios (real German news, but only on pleasant topics) made personally by Frau Warner. There is a PDF transcript for you to download and keep (if you like).
What Stube Radio ISN'T
The most important thing for you to understand is that Stube Radio ISN'T news articles based on the horror-show of the day. It's not some super bored dude reading off the news at a very slow tempo wh…
Separable Verbs in German: an Exercise
Here is a short exercise for you to practice two separable verbs in German: einatmen and ausatmen.
You may have noticed these two verbs in a blog post earlier this month, and to help you learn them even better, you'll use them in this exercise.
This may be the most relaxing German separable verbs exercise you'll find on the interwebs.
Here are the instructions in German. Scroll down to the flower to read the instructions in English.
Hier ist ein kurzes Audio für Sie.
Zuerst hören Sie «Ich…
How I Learned German in 6 Months
There isn't much of a secret to language learning because it's all about working with the language as much as possible over a length of time. However I can give you tips on how I learned to speak German fluently (and I mean--I could say anything I wanted or needed to say) within about 6 months. Konjunktiv II? Kein Thema. Polite discourse? Absolut! Telling someone off? That, too.
Don't get me wrong--learning German in 6 months was really tough. I started at an A2 level (the second-lowest level) …
Wiederholen Sie, bitte!
5 Ways to Re-Use Your German & Learn More in the Process
There is one key ingredient to students who learn the most in their German lessons: they repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.
My first German teacher was (and surely still is) an excellent instructor. She told me if I wanted to learn a new word in German, I'd have to use it 28 times.
28 times!! That's a lot of repetition. (If that's an average, sometimes it goes faster--say 20 repetitions, and sometimes it takes longer, say 40 repet…
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