Why Do People Learn German?


There are a whole host of reasons for learning German, however when I asked my readers, they responded with new and different reasons.

Here are 5 different reasons people learn German (out of the many reasons featured in this episode), in no particular order:

  • Ich liebe deutsche Musik. (I love German music.)

  • Die Deutschen sind praktisch und das finde ich gut. (Germans are practical and I think that's good.)

  • Sprache ist für mich eine große Herausforderung. (German is a big challenge for me.)

  • I work with German customers and suppliers.

  • I love having a hobby.

Listen here for all the reasons people told me they're learning German:

N.B. While the GermanWithNicole.com Podcast no longer exists, you can still hear all of the audios here on the blog. The audios are available on the blog posts published between August 1, 2021 and October 1, 2024. Viel Spaß beim Hören!


Foreign Nationals (including Syrian Refugees) in Germany: https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1221/umfrage/anzahl-der-auslaender-in-deutschland-nach-herkunftsland/

Die Bräutigamseiche (the "Bridegroom's Oak" or "Marriage Agent"; not mentioned in the podcast but related to it and very interesting): https://www.baumkunde.de/baumregister/614-braeutigamseiche_in_dodau/

Das Passionsspiel (The Passion Play): https://www.passionsspiele-oberammergau.de/de/startseite - Use the floating menu on the right to switch to English

The Artist for Stolpersteine: http://www.gunterdemnig.de/

Das Kunstprojekt Stolpersteine: https://www.stolpersteine-berlin.de/de/projekt/kunstprojekt

Das Projekt aktuell: https://www.projekt-stolpersteine.de/aktuell.html

Hausaufgaben (Homework):

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Kim Bilderback

Ich lerne Deutsch, weil es wie ein Rätsel lösen ist. Es gibt total Freude 🥹 

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