5 Myths on How to Learn German Vocabulary-Busted!

A lot of what you might read on the internet on how to learn German vocabulary words is really a lot of hot air & hooey.
In this episode we'll bust 5 myths on vocabulary learning and give you a clearer picture of why vocabulary learning is important.
After all, if you don't know what the words mean...you'll be up a creek without a paddle.
The 5 Myths:
You only need to learn 3,000 words to truly speak German!
Vocabulary isn't as important as grammar.
Learning vocabulary is as boring as watching paint dry.
You need to learn all the German words RIGHT NOW!
The only way to learn vocabulary is with flashcards (rote memorization).
Here is the quote from my German client Kim Bilderback:
“You can know all the grammar in the world, but if you don’t have the vocabulary you can’t do anything.
In the absence of the right vocabulary, the grammar doesn’t matter. It stops you.
If you don’t know the words you’re looking for, the grammar can’t be used.
Vocabulary is key.
You’re endeavoring to increase the probability that you will know the word when you need it.”
"The Six Parts of Learning German":
The graphic in that blog post should be helpful for you if you are a visual learner.
Clarification: The Weekly German Practice is no longer available.
The German Vocabulary Masterclass
The German Vocabulary Masterclass is a four-week, four-lesson course that guides you through developing your own, personalized method for learning German vocabulary words. It's based on YEARS of development with my private clients, my own experience as a German instructor, and all the skills I gained learning German myself. Each lesson, and it's one lesson per week for four weeks, can be completed in less than 30 minutes and you can use the vocabulary list or vocabulary book you're currently using. If you don't have one, then I'll have a few lists for you to use.
Spend four weeks working on this incredibly important skill, and it will create a basis for you for learning many more vocabulary words throughout the rest of your German learning life. This is an EXCELLENT way to propel yourself ahead in German.
This course is currently available to class and private lessons clients and in the Videolektionen.
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