11 Interesting and Important Facts About Austria


This month clients in the group classes and private lessons are learning about Austria. They have access to an online lesson with typical Austrian phrases and expressions and we also had a Konversationskurs, a Conversation Class, all about Austria.

Here you get to learn some of what my clients have learned about Austria this month, including how to pronounce Österreich.


Die Krimmler Wasserfälle (The Health Secret!) https://www.austria.info/en/wellbeing-nature/lakes-mountains/krimml-waterfalls-health-secret

Download your A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide here: https://www.germanwithnicole.com/blog/a1-a2-b1-german-sentence-structure-free-pdf


Österreich = Austria

das Bundesland, die Bundesländer = states

Austria's states: Vorarlberg, Tirol, Salzburg, Oberösterreich, Niederösterreich, Wien, Burgenland, Steiermark, Kärnten

Bordering countries: Liechtenstein, Deutschland, Tschechien, die Slowakei, Ungarn, Slowenien, Italien, die Schweiz

das Wiener Riesenrad = Vienna's Gigantic Ferris Wheel

die Krimmler Wasserfälle = the Krimmler Waterfalls

der Schneekugel = snowglobe

der Walzer = the waltz

die Zeitlupe = slow-motion (film)

der Nationaltag = Austria's National Day is October 26th.

Liebe Österreicher, alles Gute zum Nationaltag! = Dear Austrians, best wishes on your National Day!

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Nicole, I had no idea about some of the facts given. And I am of Austrian descent.  LOL. I didn't know that the Austrian Flag was so old. Also, it was fascinating to learn about the Krimmler Wasserfälle.  Great podcast! Danke! 

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Nicole Warner

Das freut mich sehr, Michele! Bitte sehr. :)

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Mein österreichischer Freund sagt, dass der richtige Begriff Nationalfeiertag ist.

Another potato /potahto?

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Nicole Warner

I haven't re-visited my notes, but from what I remember it was made their Nationaltag in 1955 and then it was made a Nationalfeiertag (a holiday) in 1965. 

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