German in 2021: ein Rückblick (a retrospect)

What did we cover in German in 2021?
Really a lot!
From the podcast episodes to blog posts, and in each week of the Weekly German Practice, we covered a huge amount of material this year!
It's good to take a step back from time to time and to 'zoom out' so you can see the big picture.
Once you do that, you'll see exactly how much progress you've made this year, and I hope this episode is helpful.
PLUS you'll hear a run-down of all the countries that listeners to this podcast live in.
It's quite a lot of countries!
You can follow along with the country names, as they're all in German, and perhaps even learn a few new ones!
Then you'll hear your homework for the next couple of weeks, which is the right step to help you prepare for 2022.
Viel Spaß beim Hören!
N.B. While the Podcast no longer exists, you can still hear all of the audios here on the blog. The audios are available on the blog posts published between August 1, 2021 and October 1, 2024. Viel Spaß beim Hören!
Here's a list of topics we covered, which you'll hear in the podcast today, plus a bunch of links so you can do your homework. ;-)
trennbare Verben
Separable Verbs in German: an Exercise (the most relaxing separable verbs exercise on the interwebs)
die Vergangenheit:
How to use wäre
How to use hätte
Frohe Festtage, frohe Weihnachten und kommen Sie gut ins neue Jahr!
N.B. The A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide has been retired, as as such, is no longer available.
- A1 (70)
- A2 (55)
- B1 (47)
- B2 (24)
- C1 (22)
- Deutsch lernen (82)
- Einkaufen (15)
- Essen (12)
- Grammatik (24)
- Hören (14)
- Landeskunde und Kultur (50)
- Lesen (11)
- Musik (5)
- Nachrichten (4)
- Podcast (66)
- Pronunciation (3)
- Schreiben (4)
- Schwäbisch (4)
- Spiele und Spaß (Games and Fun) (12)
- Sprechen (12)
- Vokabeln (41)
- Video (13)
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With the E-Post, you'll receive information on German class registration and goings-on in German classes, all written by Frau Warner. You'll receive an email on Tuesdays, plus an extra email or two when class registration opens or there's something new.
If you use Gmail: please check your "promotions" folder.
Frau Warner, thanks for mentioning the Bubblecar discussion!
Gerne! It was a favorite amongst all the attendees. I think we should talk about more German cars next year@PAUL J BATES .
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