Practice Dates in German Using Dative, With Free Audio

N.B. While the Podcast no longer exists, you can still hear all of the audios here on the blog. The audios are available on the blog posts published between August 1, 2021 and October 1, 2024. Viel Spaß beim Hören!
Ihre Aufgabe:
Your task is to listen to the audio below and to note which dates the first three episodes will be released (auf Deutsch, natürlich) and then how often new episodes will be published after that.
All of these numbers are under 20. You'll need to use the am _____ten construction for these dates, because you'll discover on which days the episodes will be published.
Here's an example of this construction for you:
Julia hat Geburtstag am 18. August.
Which means when you speak it, that you say this:
Julia hat Geburtstag am achtzehnten August.
The first example is what you'll write. The second example is what you say.
Helpful Vocabulary Words:
die Folge, die Folgen = episode
erscheinen = to be released/to be published
das Audio:
Listen to the audio. You'll hear the instructions and the German, and there is music that divides that section from the English answers.
Viel Spaß beim Hören!
- A1 (70)
- A2 (55)
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- B2 (24)
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- Video (13)
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Your method for teaching is very very efficient, i can't wait for the next episodes. Thank you very much from the great Kabylie.
Thank you very much. Und bitte sehr! Happy listening!
Guten Abend Nicole! I listened to the audio and got the release dates correct, but I'm not sure I spelled the words correctly. Is there a document with the spelling for this style of dates somewhere, or a PDF with the dialogue so that I can make sure I understood correctly? Danke!
Bitte sehr:
am ersten August / am 1. August
am dritten August / am 3. August
am fünften August / am 5. August
This is a great challenge for you, since you've done numbers but not cardinal numbers (yet). Well done for taking it one step further.
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