Fun, Guided German Listening Practice

If you're looking for listening practice at your level of German, you can now find it in Stube Radio, real German news audios (real German news, but only on pleasant topics) made personally by Frau Warner. There is a PDF transcript for you to download and keep (if you like).
What Stube Radio ISN'T
The most important thing for you to understand is that Stube Radio ISN'T news articles based on the horror-show of the day. It's not some super bored dude reading off the news at a very slow tempo who sounds like he'd rather be mowing the lawn. (Or doing his taxes.) And it is most certainly not me...reading...only...a a time. (Zzz...)
What Stube Radio IS
Stube Radio is a set of listening exercises which are added to on occasion, and the individual exercises are on pleasant news topics--no negative news, I promise! There are three different levels of Stube Radio:
A1 is for A1 learners and is mainly in the present tense
A2 is for A1.2-A2 level learners who know the Perfekt and some Präteritum
B1-C2 is the original text and is recorded at a pace good for German learners, not for German speakers (like the regular news)
Every element of it is made with your learning in mind so you get consistent, high quality listening and reading practice which adds to your learning without overwhelming you. I personally select each article, adapt it, and record the audios. The audios and PDFs are carefully selected articles which are meaningful, constructive, or exploratory and are directly related to your German learning, however they go beyond the standardized books into the wide, regular life of German speakers.
So far, articles include topics like:
1500 Bleistifte für Deutschland, about an artist named ANTOINETTE and the massive piece of art she's created using only colored pencils
Deutschlands Welt der Falter erstmals in einem Atlas, about a new atlas with extensive scientific information about Germany's many butterflies
- A relaxation audio for stressful days.
- 79 Jahre alte Nusstorte beschäftigt Lübecker Archäologen, about a 79-year old nut cake which archaeologists found in Lübeck.
- and more.
How can I use Stube Radio to improve my listening comprehension?
You can start it all off with a very short introductory course to make the most out of your Stube Radio listening. In it, you'll learn the listening method I have taught hundreds of other students who all understand and thus speak a lot more German now. It's appropriately entitled "How to Get the Most Out of Stube Radio" and it covers:
das Material: How to Choose Which Version to Listen to, A1, A2 or B1-C2
die Hörmethode: the Listening Method
etwas Grammatik: How to Deal with Weird German News Grammar (Konjunktiv I)
die Technologie: Listen to Stube Radio on Your Phone or on Your Computer or Tablet.
Hilfe: Where to Ask Questions and get Help
How do I listen to the audios?
Stube Radio is included in tuition for class and lesson clients, and you have two ways of listening:
you can log into the website on your computer or tablet
you can set up Stube Radio as a private podcast on your device using your personal link
Or both! You will find set-up information in the course. You'll also be able to comment directly on the article in the website to ask a question and I'll respond personally.
How do I get started?
Stube Radio is currently available for clients in classes and lessons. Click here to find out which classes are available or click here to learn about private lessons. All classes and lessons are taught personally by Frau Warner.
- A1 (70)
- A2 (55)
- B1 (47)
- B2 (24)
- C1 (22)
- Deutsch lernen (82)
- Einkaufen (15)
- Essen (12)
- Grammatik (24)
- Hören (14)
- Landeskunde und Kultur (50)
- Lesen (11)
- Musik (5)
- Nachrichten (4)
- Podcast (66)
- Pronunciation (3)
- Schreiben (4)
- Schwäbisch (4)
- Spiele und Spaß (Games and Fun) (12)
- Sprechen (12)
- Vokabeln (41)
- Video (13)
Would you like to hear about future German classes with Frau Warner?
With the E-Post, you'll receive information on German class registration and goings-on in German classes, all written by Frau Warner. You'll receive an email on Tuesdays, plus an extra email or two when class registration opens or there's something new.
If you use Gmail: please check your "promotions" folder.
Thanks for sending what looks to be a bit closer to my level. I'd like to share it with my son who is a faster learner than me and is much needed when we travel next time to Europe. He is interested in learning more than several languages.
Thanks for your great help.
You're very welcome Ric. Please do share it with him. You can even gift it to him if you want.
Bitte sehr!
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