German Spring Cleaning Products (Nicole's 3 Favorites)

Germanize your Spring Cleaning!
Es ist an die Zeit für den Frühlingsputz!
It's time for Spring cleaning!
A thorough Spring clean is much nicer when your cleaning products are high quality, biodegradable, and even smell nice!
This week you'll find out what my three favorite German cleaning products are.
Next week you'll be able to download a new, 4x6 card with Spring Cleaning vocabulary on it.
Because what better way is there to make your Spring Clean more enjoyable than to do it auf Deutsch?
So here are my three favorite German cleaning products. I enjoy using these so much I bought them myself. They came in two-packs, so you can save one to use later or share it.
Share the German Cleaning Love. ♥
Disclosure: On this page there are normal and also so-called "affiliate links." That means that if you click that link and make a purchase, a part of that comes back to GermanWithNicole. Thanks in advance! Danke im Voraus!
Frosch Universal Cleaner pH-Neutral
This is the one that I love to use for just about anything.
This year I used just a couple of drops of it to wash the windows before drying them with a cotton cloth.
They look fantastic.
When you put water in the bucket and add the soap at the end, then you get fewer suds, which is great.
I forgot that once and had a bucket of suds with a bit of water in it, so I had a good laugh at that.
I also used this one to mop my hardwood floors, again wiping them down with a dry cloth so they wouldn't look streaked. The floors have been much nicer since and I have to say I liked using this cleaner on the floors more than the specialty, hardwood floor cleaner I bought.
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Frosch Kitchen Cleaner Grapefruit
It's also great for a quick clean because Connor always pushes the limits of where he can go - I'm not a fan of cat paws on the counter, but he just doesn't get it.
So I use this grapefruit cleaner instead.
It's quick, effective, dries quickly, and smells like grapefruit.
It's a delight to use.
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Frosch Natural Lemon Shower & Bathroom Cleaner
This lemon one is also fantastic!
I think all three of these cleaners are fantastic, which you've surely noticed by now.
Like the ones listed above, this lemon cleaner also comes in a two-pack, so you can save one for later or share it with someone else.
If two bottles are too many, why not donate the second one to your local food shelf or shelter?
Share the German Cleaning Love. :)
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