Judaism & Hanukkah in German - Free Printable Flashcards!

As a little gift to you for Hanukkah this year, here are some printable flashcards on Judaism and Hannukah auf Deutsch!
What's fascinating about many vocabulary words for Judaism and Hanukkah in German is how strikingly similar they are to the English words. "Kosher" is simply spelled "Koscher," for example, and simply reflects the German spelling ("sch") as opposed to the English ("sh").
Here are the flashcards for general terms on "Das Judentum in Deutschland." (Judaism in Germany) This PDF covers general terms like "der Jude," for a male Jew and "Synagoge" for the Synagogue
Since it's Hanukkah right now, it's the perfect opportunity for you to learn about Chanukka - auf Deutsch! Included in this PDF are Hanukkah terms which cover everything from the Dreidl to powdered donuts.
Print These Flashcards Double-Sided
You'll either need a duplex printer (one which prints on both sides of the paper) or the instructions for your printer so you can print these double-sided.
- Print the flashcards double-sided.
- Cut the flashcards out.
- Use them as regular flashcards or make them your own by adding drawings and notes to them.
When you click the button, the PDF will open in a new window.
Free Flashcards: Judaism & Hanukkah in German
More on Chanukka - auf Deutsch!
When you've learned the vocabulary words, try reading this short article on Chanukka 2015.
Want to try your hand at baking Sufganijot? Try this German recipe here.
Or how about some delicious Kartoffelpuffer? Here's a recipe for you!
There's a wealth of information available to you from the Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland, click here to visit their site and learn more about Chanukka!
A huge round of thanks goes to my friend and colleague Amnon Seelig, who reviewed this material and was a valuable resource on Judaism in Germany! Also herzlichen Dank für Deine Hilfe, Amnon!
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