Frohes Channuka!

Today is the first day of Hanukkah (or matter which way you spell it, it's the Festival of Lights!) It's the perfect opportunity for you to learn about Chanukka - auf Deutsch!
Currently there are approximately 98,500 members of Jewish communities in Germany. These members are a part of about 110 Jewish communities all around Germany, which you can read about here.
More on Chanukka - auf Deutsch!
When you've learned the vocabulary words, try reading this short article on Chanukka.
Want to try your hand at baking Sufganijot? Try this German recipe here.
Or how about some delicious Kartoffelpuffer? Here's a recipe for you!
And follow this board I've started in Pinterest, just for Channuka!
There's a wealth of information available to you from the Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland, click here to visit their site and learn more about Chanukka!
A huge round of thanks goes to my friend and colleague Amnon Seelig, who reviewed this material and was a valuable resource on Judaism in Germany! Also herzlichen Dank für Deine Hilfe, Amnon!
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