Visit the German Settlement Cemetery in Hudson, Wisconsin

Last week you learned about the German Settlement in St. Croix County and the bake house/smoke house that is still used for bread baking demonstrations. Not far from there is the German Settlement Cemetery. Be sure to visit it when you head out for the bread bake. It's set beautifully and is a peaceful reminder of where so many of us have come from (another place) and connects you with another time.
As the sign implores, it's a place to "Reverently read the old gravestone names of those pioneers who forged a better life for their families in America, then give thanks." The tall, old trees and the hilltop location create a peaceful place for reflection and contemplation. The cemetery is, as any German cemetery is, well taken care of.
You'll see the grove of trees before you see the sign, which gives a large amount of background on the German community that settled here in the 1850s.
One can't help but think that Emma and William Miller have the perfect resting place here in the country, surrounded by beautiful land and soft, rolling hills.
And hopefully you'll have this great of weather when you visit. Take the time to read the names, note the dates, and see if you can find the grave markers that were written in German. This brings history to you--makes it palpable.
Be sure to head to the cemetery on June 1st before or after the bread bake. You'll have an entire afternoon of Germanic history... in Wisconsin!
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